What product NOT to use on marble? – What to avoid to preserve its surface

If you have marble surfaces in your home, you are lucky. It is a noble material par excellence that adds value to your interior and has been prized by men for its beauty for hundreds of years. Marble can be used for particularly attractive flooring, walls, and countertops.

Very trendy, thanks to the current trend that highlights natural materials such as stone and wood, marble is also a material that must be properly maintained and cleaned in order to enjoy it for longer. Below, discover what product not to use on marble in order to extend the lifespan of your flooring, walls, or countertops.

What product NOT to use on marble? - What to avoid to preserve its surface

What product NOT to use on marble?

What to avoid to not damage its surface Marble is an elegant and naturally beautiful product that has been very trendy for a few years now. As a noble material par excellence, it is also known to be quite expensive. For this reason, but also to extend the lifespan of its marble surfaces, it is important to know which products to avoid when cleaning. Here is the list to know.

Conventional cleaning products

Most conventional cleaning products are to be avoided for the maintenance of marble surfaces. This is because this material can be quite sensitive to certain strong chemical substances used in the composition of this type of product. They are likely to burn and corrode the marble surface. In some cases, they can also leave difficult-to-remove marks. It is particularly advisable to avoid products containing acidic substances.

What product NOT to use on marble? - What to avoid to preserve its surface

Bleach and hydrogen peroxide are also not recommended when it comes to properly maintaining a marble surface. These types of products can cause permanent damage to the surface of your countertops as well as the marble floor in your bathroom. It is particularly important to avoid them to prevent creating difficult-to-remove stains later on.

Natural cleaning products not to use on marble include white vinegar and lemon, which are among the most popular homemade cleaning products. They are particularly sought after by those who prefer to rely on natural ingredients and avoid toxic substances in their homes. Unfortunately, white vinegar and lemon are also not recommended for the maintenance of this type of surface. Just like bleach and hydrogen peroxide, they can cause damage to the marble surface and leave persistent marks.

Marble is a particularly popular surface for the decoration and furnishing of the kitchen and bathroom, often associated with classic tiling. However, this type of coating should not be treated with products intended for tiles. Indeed, marble has a very delicate surface that can be greatly damaged by these types of products. Tile cleaners (such as those used to remove stubborn stains in the bathroom and kitchen) contain abrasive substances that can create scratches on the surface of marble coatings.

What product NOT to use on marble? - What to avoid to preserve its surface

To preserve your marble coatings for longer, it is advisable to prioritize safe products and not to experiment. The surface of marble is easy to damage; it stains easily and can be scratched when abrasive substances are applied. Here are some safe products that you can apply to marble to maintain it:

  • Soapy water: If you prefer natural products in your home, you can use Marseille soap and water to clean your marble coatings. Apply this type of cleaning product with a delicate sponge to avoid damaging the surface.
  • Products specially designed for marble maintenance: As we have seen, traditional cleaning products can greatly damage marble surfaces. For this reason, it is advisable to prioritize maintenance products specifically designed for cleaning this type of noble stone. They can help you remove stubborn stains and polish the natural surfaces of this type at the same time.

What product NOT to use on marble? - What to avoid to preserve its surface

Here are some additional tips for properly maintaining and cleaning marble surfaces:

  1. Clean up spills immediately: Marble is a porous material and can easily be stained if spills are left unattended. Therefore, it is important to clean up any spills immediately to prevent staining.
  2. Use coasters and placemats: Place coasters and placemats under glasses, plates, and other objects to prevent scratches and stains on the surface of your marble countertops and tables.
  3. Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners: As previously mentioned, acidic and abrasive cleaners can damage the surface of marble. Instead, use a gentle cleaner specifically designed for marble surfaces.
  4. Seal your marble surfaces: Sealing your marble surfaces can help protect them from stains and damage. It is recommended to seal your marble countertops and floors every 6 to 12 months.
  5. Use a soft cloth or sponge: When cleaning marble surfaces, use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching the surface. Avoid using steel wool or other abrasive materials.

By following these tips and using the right cleaning products, you can ensure that your marble surfaces remain beautiful and in good condition for years to come. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to maintaining marble, so be sure to clean up spills promptly and use coasters and placemats to prevent scratches and stains.

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